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US to pump $1.2bn into expanding broadband access

05 августа 2010

The U.S. administration unveiled plans Wednesday to spend $1.2 billion to expand broadband or high-speed Internet access to dozens of underserved rural communities.

The government announced the latest effort for 126 projects using money from the economic stimulus package approved last year by Congress.

"The broadband projects announced today will give rural Americans access to the tools they need to attract new businesses, jobs, health care and educational opportunities," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in announcing the grants.

"The Obama administration understands that bringing broadband to rural America provides a gateway for businesses and key anchor institutions -- such as libraries, schools, public safety and community centers -- to provide services to thousands of Americans," he said.

Vilsack promised the projects would create jobs and bring economic development to rural America.

President Barack Obama earlier this year presented Congress with a national plan setting a 10-year goal of connecting 100 million U.S. households to affordable 100-megabits-per-second Internet service.

With the U.S. lagging many other countries in access to high-speed data services, Obama has pledged to put broadband in every American home. His administration designated more than $7 billion in economic stimulus money to expand broadband access in underserved communities.

Источник: Total Telecom

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