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3D TV set shipments to surge by 2015

16 июля 2010

CE manufacturers are preparing for a surge of 3D devices into consumer homes in anticipation of what they expect will be strong content ecosystem featuring live sporting events, major films, consumer gaming and more.

IMS Research says suppliers are gearing up in anticipation of what it forecasts will be a market that ships some 5.99 million 3D TV sets worldwide this year and a cumulative 218 million sets by 2015.

"Within five years, the majority of high-end large-screen TV sets and Blu-ray Disc players are likely to offer 3D capability," said study author Anna Hunt. "The price premium of 3D models in these markets over similar 2D products is expected to diminish quickly. Without a significant price premium, consumers are likely to future proof their purchases by opting for devices with 3D."

IMS Research forecasts that by the end of 2015, over 241 million homes will have a 3D Blu-ray Disc player and over 280 million TV households will have an HD set-top box.

Hunt said a large number of HD set-top boxes can facilitate delivery of 3D service from operators, adding that "With such a large installed base of 3D-capable devices, content makers should see enough of an incentive to aggressively pursue 3D content creation."

Informa last month predicted that just 8.7 million U.S. households would be active 3D TV viewers by 2015, about 7 percent of the market, but said the worldwide growth would continue steadily.

Источник: FierceIPTV

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