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WiMAX equipment/device market down in Q1

09 июня 2010

Infonetics Research released its first quarter (1Q10) WiMAX Equipment, Devices, and Subscribers market share and forecast report.

"Whilst worldwide WiMAX equipment and device revenue saw a moderate decline in the first quarter of 2010, down 2% to $303 million, this decline is attributed to a seasonally slower first quarter, and does not alter our expectations for generally healthy growth through the rest of 2010. The recent defection from WiMAX to LTE by Russian operator Yota is undoubtedly a blow, but this is currently just one WiMAX operator out of nearly six hundred, so it is not yet certain whether this is the thin end of a wedge for WiMAX," notes Richard Webb, Infonetics Research's directing analyst for WiMAX.

"The WiMAX Forum's Open Retail Initiative, and the announcements made regarding the acceleration of the WiMAX 2.0 standard (802.16m), should help ensure that there is a technology roadmap and device ecosystem to support the WiMAX market in the long-term. Of course, the WiMAX community needs to see these initiatives bear fruit if it is to continue to be a credible broadband solution," Webb adds.


  • The US, EMEA, and Asia Pacific are the hotbeds of WiMAX activity, and Russia, the Middle East, Africa, Japan, Pakistan, and India are the engines of growth in their respective regions
  • Motorola increased its revenue share lead in the combined worldwide WiMAX equipment and device market in 1Q10
  • Major mobile operators with WiMAX likely will still migrate to LTE as their 4G solution, even though having an "offload" network based on either WiMAX or WiFi is becoming an increasingly valuable auxiliary component of long-term mobile broadband offerings
  • The "WiMAX 2" 802.16m standard currently underway would support data rates of more than 300Mbps and backward compatibility with previous versions of WiMAX

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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