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Revenue leakage costs telecoms industry $40bn a year

08 апреля 2010

The global telecoms industry loses a massive $40 billion per year as a result of revenue leakage, according to new figures from KPMG.

Following the publication of the results of a new survey on Wednesday, analysts at KPMG urged telecoms providers to look at developing more effective automated revenue assurance tools, spread awareness of revenue assurance through their organisations, and work on obtaining accurate and timely information in order to address the situation.

"Data availability poses challenges for operators across all regions," said Sean Collins, global chair of communications and media at KPMG, in a statement accompanying the results of the 74-operator, 46-country survey.

54% of the telecoms operators surveyed claimed they lose more than 1% of their revenues through leakage. 15% put revenue leakage at more than 3%, with some of those admitting to losing as much as 10% of their revenues.

Incorrect billing, errors over roaming, and failure to pass on call information to billing systems are all typical areas of leakage. And the lack of good data means that operators are in many cases struggling to identify leaks. Indeed, around 40% of respondents estimated that under half of all revenue leakage is identified, and in developing markets many said that under 10% of leaks are spotted.

Meanwhile, operators also indicated that recovering leaks, once identified, is an issue: 60% of survey respondents estimated that they successfully recover less than half of all leakage.

The lion's share of respondents said prepaid services constitute their most vulnerable revenue stream in terms of leakage.

"Prepaid accounts are vulnerable to revenue leakage due to the real-time nature of the transaction," said Clare Patterson, performance and technology adviser at KPMG Europe. "Problems with deductions or top-ups, for whatever reason, leave little option to recover the loss."

Patterson also noted that U.K. operators are among the most effective at tackling revenue leakage. Revenue and fraud leakage comes in at around 1% in the U.K., with more than half that amount identified and a 75% recovery rate.

"U.K. telcos have one of the lowest revenue leakage rates globally due to the maturity of their revenue assurance functions, but the constant flow of new technologies and products like mobile applications and open business models means it is a constant challenge to keep on top of leakage," said Patterson.

Источник: Total Telecom

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