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Mobile phone market to see 10 new technologies in 2011

31 марта 2010

Gartner has said that 10 new technologies will emerge in 2011 in the mobile phone market to make the devices safer and more convenient for users around the world. The firm said that the new technologies will evolve over the year and will have impact on the strategies and policies of the players in the market. The firms expect the investments in new technologies to go up all through 2011.

The firm expects an over whelming majority of the handsets sold around the world to include some form of browser, while in developed markets like Western Europe and Japan it estimates that about 60 per cent of the handsets sold will be smartphones.

Gartner expects two new versions of Bluetooth wireless technology to emerge in the year 2011. Bluetooth 3 will facilitate faster transfer of data and Bluetooth 4 will operate on low energy use system. It says that both of these versions will have improved safely and speed. Bluetooth 3 will incorporate large bandwidth and will facilitate downloading images and videos from handsets while low energy based Bluetooth 4 will be able to communicate with external peripherals and sensors.

Gartner estimates over 75 per cent of devices sold around the world in 2011 will include a GPS while Wi-Fi and cell ID systems will continue to remain significant. A host of new mobile applications on platforms such as JavaScript and HTML will also gain popularity in the year, according to the firm. A lot of handsets now offer programmes on their home screen so that the users are able to access them easily.

New Mobile platforms are expected to emerge in the year 2012. The mobile application store will become the major--and sometimes the only--source of new applications for smartphones and other mobile devices, believes Gartner.

App stores will also provide other services relating business support functions. These stores will become international medium to sell content to mobile devices. In 2011 the firm expects over 60 per cent of the mobile devices sold in Western Europe and North America to have touch screens.

Mobile networks are also expected to enhance their broadband performance in 2010-11. Cellular networking will become common among business laptops giving way for new network-connected devices and business models.

Nick Jones, vice-president at Gartner said, "Mobile technologies will evolve in ways that affect corporate strategies, significant numbers of customers or employees will adopt or expect them, or they will address particular mobile challenges that organizations will face through 2011.

Источник: FierceWireless:Europe

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