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US Hedge Fund Plans Nationwide LTE Network

30 марта 2010

Hedge fund operator, Harbinger Capital Partners has secured approval to buy satellite operator SkyTerra and says that it will use the company as a beachhead into developing a data-only LTE network covering the USA.

At the outset, the network will have at least 23 MHz of spectrum, consisting of 8 MHz of 1.4 GHz terrestrial spectrum, access to 5 MHz of 1.6 GHz terrestrial spectrum and 10 MHz of MSS/ATC L-band spectrum. Through a cooperation agreement with Inmarsat and associated waivers of the Commission's Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC) rules, by 2013 Harbinger will have access to an additional 30 MHz of ATC spectrum.

Harbinger also is discussing with other Commission licensees the possibility of hosting or pooling their spectrum in order to enable them on the terrestrial wireless network, i.e., the spectrum would be incorporated into the infrastructure of the terrestrial wireless network. The hosted or pooled spectrum then could be integrated with Harbinger's spectrum to enhance the broadband capacity of the terrestrial network.

As planned, the network will consist of SkyTerra's satellites working with approximately 36,000 terrestrial base stations. By 2015, the company expects to serve more than 40 million consumers on a wholesale basis.

The company does not plan to sell direct to customers, but will offer wholesale bandwidth to other networks or resellers.

The company added that service will begin in two trial markets, Denver and Phoenix, with a commercial launch before the third quarter of 2011. All major markets will be installed by the end of the second quarter of 2013.

Last year, the fund manager took a 25% stake in the WiMAX network operator, Augere for US$50 million. Augere currently has access to wireless spectrum in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Uganda, and was founded by the former CEO of France Telecom's Orange, Sanjiv Ahuja.


Источник: Cellular news

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