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Mobile TV is dead, long live mobile video

25 марта 2010

Video delivery solutions firm Harmonic on Wednesday warned against rolling out live mobile TV, urging telco players to consider streaming catch-up TV services instead.

"Mobile TV as a broadcast medium has only had limited success," said Thierry Fautier, senior director of convergence solutions at Harmonic, during IPTV World Forum in London.

"Live mobile TV is not capturing customers. People are not sitting down in front of their mobile phones to watch," he said, suggesting that standalone live TV services are outdated.

"TV today is not just about broadcast, you need to capture different types of delivery," including side-loading and unicast, he said.

Fautier made his comments following Swisscom's announcement on Tuesday that it is replacing its Swisscom TV mobile service with a new multi-screen IPTV service that delivers content to televisions, PCs and handheld devices.

The Swiss operator said in a statement it plans to discontinue its DVB-H service due to a lack of compatible devices.

However, referring to Swisscom's first mobile TV effort, Fautier said there was "no interest from customers".

Instead, he recommended that service providers concentrate on delivering catch-up TV services – such as BBC iPlayer – to mobile devices.

"Catch-up TV is the future... even live content is becoming on-demand as people choose to access it when they want," he said.

Fautier said that rather than a convergence of the mobile industry and the TV industry, "it's the Internet world coming to the mobile world."

Keeping this in mind, he said "right now PCs are still 10 times more relevant [for watching catch-up TV] than the mobile phone."

Fautier also advised operators to find ways of delivering mobile TV services via their mobile networks or WiFi, rather than build out a dedicated DVB-H network, for example.

"If you use existing infrastructure... it's a zero capex discussion," he said.

"Mobile TV is dead, long live mobile video," he concluded.

Источник: Total Telecom

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