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Cisco sets out its vision for the 'next phase' of the Internet

10 марта 2010

Following a steady build-up of industry hype, Cisco unveiled a faster, higher-capacity router which the network giant is pitching as the foundation for the next generation of the Internet.

"The Cisco CRS-3 has 12 times the capacity of our nearest competitor," said John Chambers, CEO of Cisco, during a Webcast.

The new router has a maximum capacity of 322 Terabits per seconds, which is enough for the entire population of China to make simultaneous video calls, or to stream every film ever made in four minutes.

"The Internet is moving from a messaging platform to a rich media experience," said Chambers, who commented that Cisco sees "video as the killer app, delivered to any device over any combination of networks."

Cisco said CRS-3 is not only capable of delivering huge amounts of data at high speeds, but also of providing greater intelligence – being able to optimise the route that traffic takes through a network.

"It becomes a self-provisioning network," said Pankaj Patel, senior vice president and general manager of Cisco's service provider division.

One of Cisco's telco customers AT&T recently completed the world's first CRS-3 field trial of a 100-Gigabit backbone between New Orleans and Miami.

"Already we're seeing routes in our network where 40 Gig isn't enough, and where we need that 100-Gig technology," said Keith Cambron, president and CEO of AT&T Labs.

He said that AT&T's network handled 40% more traffic in 2009 than it did in 2008, and it expects to see similar growth during 2010.

"The evolution of CRS-3 and the capacity it brings to our network is exactly what's needed," he added.

Cisco built up a large amount of hype, with online timers counting down to Tuesday's announcement, which it said would give the Internet an 'adrenaline boost'.

Some industry observers will view Cisco's announcement as a response to Google's pledge in February to use 100-Gigabit networks to drive ultra high-speed Internet connections to consumers.

However, Chambers played down potential competition with the Internet giant.

"I love anything that loads networks so obviously I love Google, and I love Apple," said Chambers.

He said Cisco's strategy is to bring the kinds of services that Google offers - and plans to offer – "to life."

Cisco's CRS-3 is scheduled to launch during the third quarter, with prices starting $90,000.

Источник: Total Telecom

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