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Media professionals across the globe are signing up to Fixedia

05 марта 2010

Last month saw the launch of Fixedia, a networking site for media professionals around the world. Thousands of users have already signed up to the site, with thousands more signing up each week. This week Fixedia Group, the London based start up company announced the launch of Fixedia Unlimited, a networking and recruitment utility for media companies.

Fixedia’s unique social network is attracting professionals from more than 130 countries around the globe. The U.S. and Europe are so far the biggest markets with users in Asia and the Middle East also proving to be early adopters of the niche network.

Created by London based start-up company Fixedia Group Ltd, Fixedia.com is a networking site for professionals working across a range of media industries. Users are provided with a free social space to build their professional brand through showcasing a portfolio of work. They are able to build a global contact list, exchange ideas and discuss topics impacting the industry. Active conversations on the site currently include the challenges facing traditional media and the new skills-sets required to engage with audiences online.

This week , Fixedia Group Ltd launched Fixedia Unlimited, a low cost platform for media companies to raise their profile within the industry, conduct research and recruit professionals within the Fixedia network. Companies will also have the ability to list their clients, display a body of work and link employee profiles on Fixedia to their dedicated company page.

What sets Fixedia apart from other popular networking sites is its link to sister-site Fixfeeder. The soon to be launched site is an online marketing tool for businesses to target their press releases and twitter updates to the media professionals on Fixedia. The link between Fixfeeder and Fixedia also extends to media companies. Publishers and content producers registered on Fixedia Unlimited will be able to network with potential sponsors, advertisers and ad fund partners on Fixfeeder.

“The concept of Fixedia is to connect individuals and companies in different parts of the world working in diverse, yet interconnected media industries. The feedback so far has been extremely positive. We will continue to maintain dialogue with our users to ensure Fixedia evolves into an indispensible resource and networking platform for media professionals worldwide”, says Managing Director, Suki Johal.


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