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57% of smartphone owners disappointed with performance

04 марта 2010

Applicat ion glitches, system crashes and frozen handsets now mean that 57% of smartphone users are unhappy with the overall performance of their device. That is the picture according to the results of a survey, carried out online by system and device testing firm Fanfare.

71% of respondents said they incur problems frequently when browsing the Internet; issues with social networking services and applications repeatedly crop up for over 67%; while nearly 65% experience frequent problems with streaming media such as music and video.

Fanfare said that as the smartphone market matures, consumers are no longer willing to accept quality issues as a consequence of choosing a new, innovative or multi-functional handset.

"Apps have become the driving force behind the mobile industry. The Apple App Store and Android Market have served up billions of app downloads, giving smartphone owners the ability to use their phones in new exciting ways," commented David Gehringer, vice president of marketing at Fanfare, in a statement.

"But now that the novelty is wearing off, users want their applications to be more reliable," he said.

55% of those surveyed said they cannot tell whether problems with their smartphone stem from the handset or the mobile network, and as a result 53% instinctively blame the handset manufacturer when something goes awry.

"The reality is that it is very hard to tell who is at fault for the glitches that smartphone users are experiencing," said Gehringer.

When problems arise, Fanfare's research found that the majority of users vent their frustration through social networks, and to friends and family.

"Social media buzz has a huge impact on the success of products and services," said Gehringer.

"Historically, time-to-market was the driving force behind development, but we've seen the consequences when products are rushed out – if a handset falters or fails, it only takes a few tweets or a couple of blog posts for a PR disaster to escalate out of control," he said.

Certainly Google felt the force of Websites like Twitter when it emerged that its first own-branded smartphone – the HTC-made Nexus One – was experiencing difficulties connecting to T-Mobile USA's 3G network.

Worryingly for handset makers, 35% of respondents said they only need to experience software problems once before they would consider switching to a different smartphone manufacturer altogether.

The survey of 155 people found that 87.8% of respondents said they would rather wait to buy the latest smartphone until they were confident that any glitches had been addressed, compared to the 12.2% who said they would prefer to be among the first people to own a new handset model.

"Unless more rigorous testing procedures are put in place, smartphone manufacturers are going to risk more of an impact on their bottom line," warned Gehringer.

Источник: Total Telecom

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