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Vodafone tops ICT sustainability poll

27 февраля 2010

Vodafone on Friday topped the Tomorrow's Value Rating poll measuring the 20 biggest global ICT companies by their sustainability initiatives.

Handset maker Nokia placed second, followed by Hewlett Packard and France Telecom, in the survey carried out by consultancy Two Tomorrows.

U.S. telco giants AT&T and Verizon trail at the bottom of the table.

"The future sustainability performance of the ICT industry is likely to be measured by its ability to identify commercial solutions that meet the need for climate change adaptation," said a statement from Two Tomorrows.

The consultancy said it used publicly available information about the industry's 20 biggest ICT players – based on the Fortune Global 500 – to assess how they are managing their most pressing social and environmental issues.

"Vodafone has implemented comprehensive governance mechanisms for sustainability issues," said Thomas Krick, global manager of the Tomorrow's Value Rating programme.

"The company is best positioned to turn some of the world's most pressing social challenges into commercial opportunities, thereby combining positive impacts with the generation of shareholder value," he commented.

Krick said the survey results are indicative of a broader trend by ICT players to grow their businesses by enabling other sectors to reduce their carbon emissions, or by providing the technology required to roll out health and education services to remote areas.

However, Two Tomorrows warned that the ICT industry needs to improve its own environmental performance.

"While the sector continues to push best practice in sustainability innovation, the management of its direct environmental impacts often offers room for improvement," said Jason Perks, group director of Two Tomorrows.

"While most companies have set CO2 emissions targets, the majority struggle to achieve significant reductions," he said.

The survey also found that Europe's big ICT firms are leading the way, with only two Asian companies and two U.S. companies appearing in the top 10.

Источник: Total Telecom

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