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Aircel launches GSM services in northern India

19 февраля 2010

Aircel has partnered with Nokia Siemens Networks to roll out, manage radio and core network and services in three Indian states as part of a deal worth in excess of 300 million USD. 

Residents of Haryana, Punjab, and Rajasthan states will soon have access to attractive GSM services from Aircel, the Indian subsidiary of Malaysia’s Maxis Group. As part of growing its pan-Indian presence, Aircel is expected to roll out services in these three circles* in April and has selected Nokia Siemens Networks to supply the GSM network and manage it for four years. 

“At Aircel, we have set ourselves ambitious goals to become not only a strong nationwide service provider, but also the operator of choice for millions of Indian subscribers with our proposition of high-quality services,” said Gurdeep Singh, chief operating officer, Aircel. “With Nokia Siemens Networks as our partner, we have launched networks in record time while delivering superior service quality and end-user experience to our customers. We are confident that the company will help us efficiently realize our targets yet again.” 

“Aircel has a relentless focus not only on extending its offerings to many more users in the country, but also on providing them unmatched voice, data and value-added services,” said Urs Pennanen, head of the Indian region at Nokia Siemens Networks. “Nokia Siemens Networks is committed to supporting Aircel in its endeavor to offer differentiated services in India’s fast-growing and intensely competitive market with our extensive products, solutions and services portfolio.” 

As part of the contract, Nokia Siemens Networks will supply the radio, core and microwave network equipment and roll it out quickly and cost efficiently. Its offerings will not only help Aircel reduce its network’s carbon footprint, but also prepare it to launch 3G services in the future. 

Nokia Siemens Networks will deliver and implement its Flexi EDGE Base Station and IP-ready FlexiHybrid Microwave radio products, as well as its mobile softswitch core network, and NetAct network management system and NetViewer element manager to help Aircel monitor, manage and optimize the network. 

Aircel will benefit from a faster time-to-market and enhanced network performance with Nokia Siemens Networks’ implementation and care services. In addition, under a managed services contract, Nokia Siemens Networks will operate the network in these three circles* for four years. 

Nokia Siemens Networks has earlier supplied a GSM network and related services to Aircel for the cities of Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai, and is the number one provider of managed services in India.  

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