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Clearwire WiMAX services arrive in Europe

11 января 2010

U.S.-based WiMAX operator Clearwire marked its first foray into Europe on Friday with the launch of high-speed wireless Internet services in Malaga, Spain.

Clearwire will offer Internet access under its Instanet brand to consumers from €29.90 per month. The operator said its WiMAX network is able to support download speeds of between 3 Mbps and 6 Mbps, with occasional peak speeds of 10 Mbps.

"Nearly 600,000 Malaga residents will be able to access the Internet immediately and affordably without the disadvantages or delays of traditional ADSL services," said Gilberto Sánchez, managing director of Clearwire Spain, in a statement.

The arrival of Clearwire's WiMAX service in Europe comes as the company aggressively drives the rollout of its domestic operations.

The company announced in August plans to launch in 25 U.S. cities by the end of 2009; by the beginning of 2010 it offered WiMAX-based services in 27 U.S. markets. Clearwire, which is 51% owned by Sprint Nextel, aims to cover 120 million people by the end of this year.

Clearwire at the end of November 2009 also made a preliminary joint venture deal with Mexican communications firm MVS Comunicaciones and chip maker Intel to invest $700 million in a wireless broadband network in Mexico covering 23 cities.

Clearwire's European launch comes at a time when the mobile industry looks increasingly likely to base next-generation broadband services on 3G LTE (Long Term Evolution) technology, rather than WiMAX.

Sweden's TeliaSonera became the first operator in the world to begin offering LTE services with the commercial launch of its network in Stockholm and Norway's capital Oslo in December.

The telco said it plans to extend the reach of its Swedish LTE network to a further 25 cities during 2010 at a cost of around half a billion Swedish crowns (£43.3 million).

In the same month O2 UK announced the successful completion of a live LTE trial at its U.K. headquarters in Slough, notching up peak download speeds of 150 Mbps.


Источник: Total Telecom

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