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Etisalat Secures Capacity on Intelsat 15 to Expand Broadband Services in the Middle East

21 декабря 2009

Intelsat, S.A., the world’s leading provider of fixed satellite services, announced that Etisalat UAE has signed a multi-year capacity contract on Intelsat’s recently launched Intelsat 15 satellite (IS-15), located at 85º E. Etisalat will utilize this capacity to expand its network platform beyond the United Arab Emirates and provide higher-bandwidth broadband services to its enterprise customers throughout the Gulf region.

“Etisalat is the leading provider of connectivity in the Middle East. This is due to our investment in satellite coverage, alliances with strategic global partners and our investment in international cable systems. This agreement with Intelsat will enhance the service that we are able to provide all of our customers, especially those located in areas where it is not possible either to deploy or maintain a terrestrial network,” said Ali Amiri, Executive Vice President, Carrier and Wholesale Services, Etisalat. “IS-15 provides us with the Ku-band coverage that will further enhance our already market-leading and reliable network for our enterprise clients in the banking, energy, financial services, hospitality, retail and transport sectors.”

“IS-15 will have a satellite footprint that covers the majority of the Middle East and Russia, making it an ideal spacecraft for delivering broadband, enterprise and video services to these regions,” said Jean-Philippe Gillet, Intelsat’s Regional Vice President, Europe and Middle East. “By 2012, IS-15 will be joined by three additional Intelsat satellites—Intelsat 17, Intelsat 20 and Intelsat 22—that will offer incremental capacity to enable our customers to deploy more sought after applications.” 

IS-15, launched 30 November, is expected to go into service in the first quarter of 2010. Once on station, IS-15 will replace the Intelsat 709 satellite, and IS-15’s high power Ku-band payload will serve the Middle East, Russia and the Indian Ocean region. Customers will use IS-15’s capacity to distribute high growth applications that include cellular backhaul for wireless communications to remote locations; broadband networks for enterprise applications; IP Trunking for robust Internet connectivity; and video services for DTH programming.

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