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Beijing Mobile subscribers first in region to enjoy next generation mobile broadband

15 декабря 2009

Operator implements Nokia Siemens Networks’ leading direct tunnel technology to deliver cost efficient high speed data services 

Beijing Mobile subscribers will soon enjoy increased data speeds and an overall improved wireless broadband experience. The operator will be first in the region to commercially implement direct tunnel technology, an innovative solution from Nokia Siemens Networks that cost effectively improves packet core network efficiency and sets the stage for future proof Long Term Evolution (LTE) deployment. 

With mobile internet users accounting for more than half of China Mobile’s subscriber base, data throughput has increased close to 200% over last year. Against such a backdrop, direct tunnel provides an intelligent connectivity short cut for the massive user data streams. Transforming to a flat IP architecture via a simple software upgrade, the Direct Tunnel solution delivers substantial operational savings and is key to the operator’s network evolution towards next generation LTE mobile networks.

“Keeping pace with the unprecedented growth in mobile broadband demands innovation – something our direct tunnel solution does well,” said Ding Weiqing, head of China Mobile Customer Business Team, Nokia Siemens Networks. “It enables Beijing Mobile to deliver higher bandwidth, improve end user experience while maintaining simple connectivity architecture and reduced costs.” 


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