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FCC, FEMA Adopt Emergency Alert Standards

08 декабря 2009

The wireless industry will be working on delivering wireless emergency alerts thanks to federal government action today.

The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the FCC announced the adoption of design specifications so that wireless carriers can provide government emergency alerts and warnings to their customers.

Specifically, the Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) will provide government officials the ability to send 90-character, geographically targeted text messages to the public regarding emergencies and warnings of imminent threats to life and property, Amber alerts and Presidential emergency messages. 

A 28-month period, mandated by the FCC in August 2008, now starts for service providers to develop, test and deploy the system and deliver mobile alerts to the public by 2012. The program is voluntary, and CTIA is fully on board.

The industry association praised the FCC and FEMA for their work on making the emergency alerts a reality. “With today’s announcement, wireless carriers and suppliers will seize this opportunity to work on finishing the development, testing and deployment of the alerting system to benefit American consumers,” CTIA President and CEO Steve Largent said in a statement. “We believe that the industry can significantly beat the timeline set by the FCC and we are committed to doing just that. The industry is devoting the resources to roll out wireless emergency alerts as quickly as possible.”

The FCC rules establishing the alert system require an end-to-end architecture, in which a Federal Alert Aggregator/Gateway would receive, authenticate and format alerts received by federal, state, tribal and local government agencies and then transmit them over a secure interface to gateways administered by participating commercial mobile service providers.  

To ensure that persons with disabilities who subscribe to wireless services receive the emergency alerts, the FCC adopted rules in 2008 that will require participating wireless carriers to transmit messages with both vibration cadence and audio attention signals.

Источник: Wireless Week

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