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Femtocells to fall below US$100 next year

01 декабря 2009

Taiwan makers rushing to femtocell production, expect unit prices to fall below US$100.

Nearly all major Taiwan-based network equipment makers have ventured into the production of indoor-use femtocells, and some industry sources expect FOB prices of femtocells are likely to fall below US$100 per unit in the second half of 2010 compared to US$250 currently.

The femtocell market will stage a major take-off when the unit prices of the micro base stations are pushed down below US$100, asserted the sources.

Companies eyeing the booming femtocell market include D-Link, Accton Technology, Gemtek Technology, Sercomm, Tecom, Asustek Computer, Delta Networks, Zyxel Communications and the Foxconn Group, the sources indicated

Источник: FierceBroadbandWireless

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