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Benefon networking application on Nokia devices
26 ноября 2007 |
Small Finnish handset maker Benefon, which has changed its business name to GeoSentric, said Nokia has picked its social networking application for the Nokia GPS handsets N95 and 6110.
The platform, branded GyPSii, which is already compatible with Windows Mobile software based devices and with Symbian and Nokia support, is now available on most mobile phones, Benefon said in a statement.GyPSii will allow users to upload pictures, videos and sound clips recorded with their phones that are automatically encoded with the location where the picture was taken or the recording was made.
Using the platform, users can see where their friends are and see and search each other's saved places.
Combined with mobile Internet access, GPS (global positioning system) is seen in the industry as adding a new dimension to social networking that could also have implications for the media business.
Источник: Reuters
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