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Long Awaited Top Teleport Operator Rankings Released

10 ноября 2009

The World Teleport Association (WTA) has announced its rankings of the Top Teleport Operators of 2009, providing a unique look into the diverse teleport sector of the global communications industry. Rankings are reported in three categories: the Global Top Twenty, the Independent Top Twenty, and the Fast Twenty.  

The Global Top Twenty ranks companies based on revenues from all customized communications sources and includes operators of teleports, satellite fleets and fiber networks. Two companies make their debut on the Global Top Twenty — Telespazio and Singapore Telecom. In order from largest to smallest, the Global Top Twenty of 2009 are:
  1. SES (Luxembourg)
  2. Intelsat (Bermuda)
  3. Eutelsat (France)
  4. Telesat (Canada)
  5. Stratos Global (USA)
  6. GlobeCast (France)
  7. Echostar Satellite Services Corp. (USA)
  8. Arqiva Satellite & Media (UK)
  9. Telespazio (Italy)
  10. CapRock Communications (USA)
  11. Thaicom (Thailand)
  12. Hispasat (Spain)
  13. Globecomm Systems (USA)
  14. Telenor Satellite Broadcasting (Norway)
  15. Asiasat (Hong Kong)
  16. Telecommunications Systems (Government Services Unit) (USA)
  17. Singapore Telecom (Satellite Business Unit) (Singapore)
  18. Spacenet (USA)
  19. RRsat Global Communications (Israel)
  20. Gazprom Space Systems (Russia)
The Independent Top Twenty ranks companies based on revenue from all sources, but excludes companies whose core business is ownership and operation of a satellite fleet or terrestrial network. Europe and the Middle East added three new operators to the list — Telespazio, Central European Telecom Services and M-Three Satcom. In order from largest to smallest, the Independent Top Twenty of 2009 are:
  1. Stratos Global (USA)
  2. GlobeCast (France)
  3. Arqiva Satellite & Media (UK)
  4. Telespazio (Italy)
  5. CapRock Communications (USA)
  6. Globecomm Systems (USA)
  7. Telecommunications Systems (Govt Svcs) (USA)
  8. Spacenet (USA)
  9. RRsat Global Communications (Israel)
  10. Satlynx (Luxembourg)
  11. Emerging Market Communications (USA)
  12. du (UAE)
  13. Essel Shyam Communciations (India)
  14. Telepuerto Internacional Buenos Aires
  15. (Argentina) Satlink Communications (Israel)
  16. CET Teleport (Germany)
  17. Central European Telecom Services (Germany)
  18. M-Three Satcom (Italy)
  19. Jordan Media City (Jordan)
  20. ATCi (USA)
The Fast Twenty ranks all teleport-operating companies based on year-over-year revenue growth in their most recent fiscal years. New to the list and leading the pack with an impressive 120% growth rate is Europe Media Port.  Other new entrants include Telesat, Jordan Media City, M-Three Satcom, Singapore Telecom, Telenor Satellite Broadcasting, and San Francisco International Gateway. From the fastest of the fast, the Fast Twenty of 2009 are:
  1. Europe Media Port (Cyprus)
  2. Telecommunications Systems (Government Services) (USA)
  3. Central European Telecom Services (Germany)
  4. Telesat (Canada)
  5. Satlink Communications (Israel)
  6. Jordan Media City (Jordan)
  7. CET Teleport (Germany)
  8. Essel Shyam Communciations (India)
  9. M-Three Satcom (Italy)
  10. Globecomm Systems (USA)
  11. Emerging Market Communications (USA)
  12. RRsat Global Communications (Israel)
  13. CapRock Communications (USA)
  14. Singapore Telecom (Satellite Business Unit) (Singapore)
  15. Echostar Satellite Services Corp. (USA) Gazpr
  16. om Space Systems (Russia)
  17. Teleport Internacional Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  18. Telenor Satellite Broadcasting (Norway)
  19. Arqiva Satellite & Media (UK)
  20. San Francisco Int'l Gateway (USA)
The Top Operator rankings are compiled by surveying teleport operators around the world on their facilities, services and business results. These rankings provide a unique insight into the often unappreciated realities of the teleport sector. "The 2009 Top Operators are one of the most diverse groups that we’ve seen," said Robert Bell, WTA Executive Director. “If you just look at the number one company on each list, we have a global satellite carrier (SES), a company specializing in meeting the communications needs of maritime, resource extraction and government military markets (Stratos Global) and a new operator in the best entrepreneurial tradition of the teleport sector (Europe Media Port).  The Inside the Top Operators of 2008, which WTA just released, tells a story of strong growth and diversification. Preliminary analysis of the data submitted by the 2009 Top Operators reveals that diversification continues to be a key contributor to growth.”

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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