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3G Smartphone Sales Cruise Ahead

10 ноября 2009

Industry sources are forecasting that smartphone sales will experience nearly a 15% upturn for worldwide sales in 2009. A new report from Infonetics Research also predicts that from 2008 to 2013 smartphone compound growth will be twenty one percent. This growth will outperform all other mobile phone sectors.

In terms of revenue, 2009 will see a reduction in smartphone revenues. This is mainly attributed to price lowering and lower priced ARPU smartphones hitting the shelves. However, Infonetics Research predicts this will get better in 2010. \the research firm also predicts that by 2012 smartphone revenues will outpace all other mobile phones combined together.

The Smartphone operating systems tracked include Windows Mobile, Symbian, Palm, Linux, iPhone, Blackberry and Android. The Apple IPhone and iPhone 3Gs market share rose by 9 percent in months 4 to 6 of 2009 as a result of strong iPhone 3Gs sales.

Competition for the iPhone is increasing though; with AT&T's splashy launch of the Blackberry Bold 3G in partnership with RIM a prime example. And while iPhone applications are proliferating, the iPhone OS is sure to face stiff competition from the open-source Android platform.

Report highlights

  • Despite an estimated 10% increase in the number of worldwide mobile and WiFi phones sold the second half of 2009, a 9% revenue decline is expected due to downward price pressure
  • 1.1 billion mobile phones are forecast to be sold in 2009 worldwide
  • Smartphones account for an increasing percentage of total mobile phone revenue, driven in part by accelerating HSPA deployments in North America, Western Europe, and developed Asia Pacific countries
  •  Nokia maintained its clear leadership of total mobile phone market  share in the first half of 2009

Infonetics' mobile and WiFi phones report features customizable pivot tables and provides worldwide and regional market size, market share, analysis, and forecasts through 2013 for 3G and LTE smartphones, standard mobile phones (GSM, W-CDMA, CDMA, CDMA2000), dual mode cellular/WiFi phones, enterprise single-mode WiFi phones, and mobile subscribers.

Источник: 3G.co.uk

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