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Juniper aims to trump Cisco with raft of new products

02 ноября 2009

Juniper  unveiled its vision for the next 10 years by announcing a swathe of new solutions designed to enable its customers to cost effectively add extra network capacity.

On the same day that it listed on the New York Stock Exchange and shared its new logo, the network equipment maker also launched a new family of chipsets, a new edge router, and further opened up its Junos software platform, announcing new partnerships with the likes of Dell, IBM and Blade Network Systems.

"Innovation has to reduce the cost of adding network capacity," said Kevin Johnson, CEO of Juniper, during a press conference held at the New York Stock Exchange.

He warned that the industry needs to "hit the reset button" on the economics of increasing capacity in order to cope with the exponential growth in data traffic.

"There will come a time when the number of subscribers on the network stops growing but the amount of traffic each subscriber generates will continue to get larger," he said.

He said that Internet traffic is expected to increase by a factor of 17 between now and 2020.

With that in mind, Juniper unveiled a new range of edge routers designed to process vast amounts of data, while at the same time dramatically lowering operating expenses.

Called MX 3D, the new equipment runs on Junos and its new family of chipsets – called Trio – which can process up to 2.6 terabytes of data per second.

"With Trio you can download 8.5 million iTunes songs per second... or the last 10 years of Hubble [Space Telescope] data in less than a minute," commented Pradeep Sindhu, vice president and founder of Juniper networks.

Juniper also took the opportunity to have a swipe at its rivals, particularly network giant Cisco.

"How does the competition stack up? It takes four Cisco boxes to deliver the same capacity... and three Alcatel-Lucent boxes," said Kim Perdikou, executive vice president and general manager of Juniper's products group.

Juniper's new routers are also designed to give its customers flexibility in scaling their networks to cope with varying capacity requirements.

Perdikou said customers can expect to cut operating expenses for delivering residential services by as much as 77%.

"The MX 3D will increase the return on investment over five years by up to 540%," she said.

Juniper also announced plans to extend the reach of its Junos software platform, which powers its network equipment, by announcing partnerships with Dell, IBM and Blade Network Systems.

"We have an OEM agreement with Dell which means that now when you buy a Dell system you can have Junos, and we have a licensing agreement with Blade," said Johnson, who added that IBM has also become an OEM partner.

"We want to create a broad ecosystem," he said.

Juniper did not disclose official launch dates for its various new products, but said its edge routers will be available to service providers and enterprise customers from December.

Источник: Total Telecom

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