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Telenor is enhancing its 3G network in Norway with HSDPA technology

16 ноября 2007

With HSDPA, data can be transmitted through the mobile network at speeds up to 14 megabits per second. The initial upgrade at Telenor is supporting up to 3.6 megabits per second. Telenor also expands its 3G network using Flexi WCDMA Base Station from Nokia Siemens Networks.

The HSDPA solution from Nokia Siemens Networks will help Telenor significantly in reducing costs per megabit delivered over its 3G network, while providing true speed for mobile broadband and a solid technology base for future enhancements of HSDPA. The deal contains upgrade of the mobile network in Norway and is part of a pan-Nordic HSDPA contract, between Telenor Nordic and Nokia Siemens Networks, covering Norway, Sweden and Denmark

“We are very happy to extend our business relationship with Nokia Siemens Networks. This HSDPA update enables us to use our already installed 3G network more effectively and can complete our offering with improvements in mobility and coverage. Moreover, the Nokia Siemens Networks base station, Flexi WCDMA Base Station, that is compact and installation-friendly with its unprecedented downscaled size and weight, will be a cost-efficient way to expand the network. Reduced power consumption also serves the environment in a favourable way”, says Trond WIBORG, CTO, Telenor Nordic.

In addition to 3G expansion and the HSDPA software, Nokia Siemens Networks will provide care services such as software support services and hardware repair services. The network continues to be supported by the multi-technology, multi-vendor NetAct network and service management system, which will be upgraded to support HSDPA. All this will ensure that the network continues to offer high levels of reliability and performance to Telenor’s customers.

The deliveries started during autumn 2007 and the service will be launched in November 2007. 

“We are very pleased to continue our good co-operation with Telenor in the Nordic region, says Finn Erik HERMANSEN from Nokia Siemens Networks. “We are fully prepared to support Telenor in meeting the market needs to provide a state-of-the-art HSDPA solution with a network of high speed, capacity and quality enabling true mobile broadband.”

Источник: Nokia Siemens Networks

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