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Worldwide smartphone sales to outstrip notebook sales in 2009

28 октября 2009

Global smartphone sales are expected to grow 29% in 2009 to reach 180 million units, overtaking notebook PC shipments, according to Gartner's forecasts. The analyst firm predicted that smartphone revenue will hit $191 million by 2012, compared to end user spending on mobile PCs, which it said will reach $152 million by the same year.

At the same time, Gartner said the smartphone segment will comprise an increasingly larger proportion of overall mobile phone sales, making up 37% of global handset sales by 2012.

With this is mind, the research firm said in a new report that smartphones represent an attractive growth opportunity, and it expects by the end of 2009 all major PC vendors will have announced plans to enter the smartphone market if they haven't done so already.

Gartner warned that PC makers face a number of challenges.

"While convergence of technologies offers an opportunity to enter into the smartphone arena, the business models, go to market and positioning of products is very different from the PC market," said Roberta Cozza, principal research analyst at Gartner, in a statement.

Gartner said at the moment the cumulative smartphone market share held by PC vendors – excluding Apple – is currently less than 1%, and it doesn't expect any one PC maker to increase its share above 2% in the next three years.

"PC vendors will find it difficult to simply use existing supply chains and channels to expand their presence in the smartphone market. The smartphone and notebook markets are governed by different rules when it comes to successfully marketing and selling products," said Cozza.

Indeed, the marketing and distribution of handsets is generally controlled by mobile operators, which subsidise the price as part of long-term contracts.

"Understanding of mobile consumer behaviours, competitiveness and positioning of their mobile products and relationships with carriers are all barriers that cannot be overcome in the short term. This will limit any PC vendor presence in the smartphone market to low single digits for some time," said Cozza.

Gartner said when it comes to the consumer smartphone market in particular, PC makers will have to give more consideration to the form factor, operating system, and the user experience than they would when developing a new PC.

Not only that, but PC makers will be entering an increasingly competitive environment.

"The smartphone market has never been more competitive and even established handset vendors are being challenged to maintain or expand their positions," said Cozza.

"PC vendors will be challenged to stand out from the crowd and be successful unless they produce truly differentiated and unique products," she said.


Источник: Total Telecom

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