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Verisign to sell telecoms arm

15 ноября 2007

Verisign, the world’s biggest provider of electronic certificates that secure and authenticate Internet traffic, is planning to dispose of its struggling communications business.

Verisign to sell telecoms armThe company, also responsible for managing the servers that direct Internet traffic to .com and .net web addresses, said the move would allow it to devote more resources to the Internet business that has traditionally underpinned its growth.

While Verisign is a leading provider of Internet infrastructure, efforts to build a similar presence in the telecommunications sector had failed to gain traction.

Businesses earmarked include Verisign's telecommunications billing group and its caller name and address management businesses. Verisign said it was also considering whether it should spin off its mobile messaging and ringtone businesses.

The company provided no information about the timing of any divestitures.

Verisign’s new strategy will leave the company with three core businesses: naming services, which manages the .com, .net and .tv Internet domain names; web certificates, which help secure Internet traffic by confirming the identities of websites; and identity protection, which helps verify the identity of individual Internet users. 

Источник: Financial Times

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