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Mobile TV Standard Adopted, Trial Broadcasts to Follow

19 октября 2009

The Open Mobile Video Coalition has adopted the final broadcast standard for mobile digital television after three years of collaboration with broadcasters and manufacturers.

Adoption of the standard will pave the way for U.S. broadcasters to roll out digital program services on devices ranging from in-car screens to portable DVD players and mobile phones.

Trial broadcasts are expected to begin by the end of 2009, with the goal of preparing for formal broadcasting tests in North America beginning early next year.

"To meet the technological challenges of sending digital television services to mobile and handheld devices within the existing DTV transmission was an impressive achievement made possible by industry cooperation," said Mark Richer, president of the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC), which created the standard.

Devices embedded with an ATSC receiver can display programs from DTV broadcasters. Mobile digital television uses the same spectrum that local television stations use to broadcast high-definition programming.

The adoption of the standard allows small-screen versions of that programming to be displayed on mobile devices. Other services eventually will become available, including live emergency alerts and interactive programming.

Already, one company has come out with an ATSC-compatible chipset. Samsung Electronics has applied "significant resources to ATSC standardization" beginning in 2005, and today announced a chip compatible with the new standard.

Источник: Wireless Week

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