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Nokia unveils N82

14 ноября 2007

Nokia said Wednesday that it has introduced the Nokia N82, a leading edge connected camera, navigation device and multimedia computer in one. The Nokia N82 is a multimedia computer optimized for photography, navigation and Internet connectivity, enabling customers to find their way with navigation and routing; document their adventures with the high quality imaging capabilities; and instantly their experiences with one click upload to the web.

Nokia unveils N82The N82 features A-GPS, 5 megapixel camera, Xenon flash, Carl Zeiss optics and Internet connectivity, and incorporates all the multimedia computer features common to Nokia Nseries, it said.

"The evolution of camera capabilities in mobile devices has been extremely fast over the past years. With the Nokia N82 we have reached such a superior level in image quality, speed and ease of use that not only does it outperform any other cameraphone on the market, but it's also a very credible alternative for single purpose digital still cameras," said Satu Ehrnrooth, head of Nokia Nseries Cameras Category, Multimedia, Nokia.

"In addition to the high-end camera, the Nokia N82 also enables you to navigate and discover new places, enjoy your music, browse the web, play games, chat online and be part of the global web 2.0 community wherever you go," Ehrnrooth said.

Nokia said that with access to more than 15 million points of interest, customers can locate and navigate to the most interesting sights, bars or restaurants wherever they are. They can also send map excerpts and routes to friends by MMS or save map screen shots to the gallery.

The N82 has fast camera activation, autofocus with a dedicated autofocus assist lamp, fast reloading between shots and DVD-like quality video capture, it said.

Thanks to the 2GB microSD card in the standard Nokia N82 sales package, customers can store up to 900 high-resolution photos or up to 84 minutes of high quality video on the device, it said.

Nokia said the N82 is available now in key markets with an estimated, pre-tax, unsubsidized sales price of about EUR450.

Источник: Total Telecom

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