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MEF poll: Mobile media revenues to grow 33% in next year

13 октября 2009

Despite continued economic malaise across the globe, the Mobile Entertainment Forum's latest Business Confidence Index anticipates average mobile media revenue growth of 33 percent for the coming year--a 6 percent increase over what the BCI predicted at the beginning of 2009.

"The results point to a divide between the established and emerging markets," said MEF executive director Rimma Perelmuter in a prepared statement. "Our members in the established markets such as Western Europe and North America are forecasting relatively stable revenues but see emerging markets such as Central and Latin America, as well as India, driving proportionately larger revenue increases for the coming year. With the majority of respondents also telling us that their actual performance for the last quarter was either in line with or better than budgeted, the industry has demonstrated resilience and confidence of heading in the right direction. "

According to the BCI results, mobile applications are developing into tangible revenue streams--the MEF said apps will generate 14 percent of anticipated mobile media revenues over the next year, with consumer purchases yielding more than half of this revenue. "Paid-for content is still a big revenue generator for the mobile media sector, with respondents predicting that 63 percent of their revenue over the next quarter will come from both subscription and one-off purchases," said Mark Harding, Director of Digital Content at KPMG, who analyzed the survey results. "Games, video, music, social networking and infotainment continue to lead the way."

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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