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Successful LTE tests could see German roll-out next year

12 октября 2009

‘Very satisfied', was how Erich Zielinski, head of the end-to-end 4G/LTE-solutions of Alcatel-Lucent, described the initial test results from the company's LTE trial network. This effort promoted the company to predict that the first LTE services would become available in Germany by the end of 2010.

The LTE tests, which involved five eNodeBs in the Alca-Lu labs and three eNodeBs in open terrain, together with packet data transmission in the core network as well as prototype mobile devices, were said to have achieved data rates of up to 60Mbps in the 2.6GHz band. "Time-critical applications run without any delay, and the handover between two LTE cells was seamless with video broadcasts not being affected," said Zielinski. "The tests indicate that our LTE technology fulfils all the conditions relating to the Web 2.0 requirements."

Future LTE tests, said Zielinski, would focus on voice and SMS traffic--which would involve examination of the ‘Voice over LTE Generic Access' technology being promoted by T-Mobile--and the use of IMS.

Источник: FierceBroadbandWireless

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