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Mobile messaging tackles another milestone

24 сентября 2009

Mobile messaging totals broke new records in the second quarter according to network infrastructure services provider VeriSign, which delivered about 93 billion P2P messages across its combined platforms.

The VeriSign network set a single-day milestone on June 25, coinciding with the deaths of pop icons Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett--VeriSign enabled 1.2 billion mobile messages over a 24-hour period, and also established a one-hour benchmark of 102 million messages between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. PDT as the celebrity news spread. For the first time ever, the daily average number of messages enabled by VeriSign's combined platforms broke the 1 billion mark in Q2, with approximately 1.04 billion messages per day--a 12 percent increase from the previous quarter and an 83 percent leap from Q2 2008. In total, VeriSign delivered 178.8 billion messages worldwide in the first half of 2009.

Expect another huge leap in mobile messaging volume in the third quarter--and you can thank the college football season for the increase. Over the past two weekends I've traveled to East Lansing, Mich. and South Bend, Ind. to cheer on my alma mater Michigan State University in losing efforts against Central Michigan University and Notre Dame, and the biggest takeaway from the experience (beyond the realization that my pigskin prognostication skills are a bit lacking) is that texting is now as integral a component of the fan experience as fight songs and tailgating. College football fans spend more time and effort texting than any sports crowds I've witnessed--based on the informal poll I conducted of the people sitting near me at Notre Dame Stadium, they're messaging friends and family seated in other sections of the crowd, friends and family watching from home, friends and family at other college matchups and anyone else with even a remote interest in the sport. Each break in the action--and because of timeouts and other clock stoppages, there are many--results in another flurry of thumbs tapping out another deluge of mobile missives.

Stadium texting is mobile social networking, trash talking and real-time game analysis all rolled into one. The messages span from outrageous boasts about a team's superiority to equally outrageous proclamations about its inferiority. ("I'm moving to Ann Arbor," another MSU alum seethed in a text sent to me this weekend, moments after the Spartans' second consecutive gut-punch loss.) They range from coordinating postgame plans to decrying blown calls by the officiating crew. And it's not just students, either--it's fans of all ages, each of them communicating their passion for their football team, their school and the unrivaled experience of spending a gorgeous September Saturday back on campus. Traditionalists may grumble, but this is college football fandom in 2009--another ritual forever transformed by mobile technology. Besides, compared to texting while driving a car, texting while your team is driving for a touchdown doesn't seem nearly so bad.

By Jason Ankeny

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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