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3G penetration about 40% in 2Q

12 августа 2009

Analyst Chetan Sharma released his state of the wireless industry report for the second quarter, revealing that 3G penetration in the U.S. during the period was about 40 percent.

He also found that U.S. wireless data service revenues increased 7 percent during the quarter to $10.6 billion--a 30-percent increase from 2008. Not surprisingly, much of the gains were attributed to the country's two largest operators, Verizon Wireless and AT&T. Both saw their data revenues grow 8 percent during the quarter.

Meanwhile, the U.S. mobile broadband market is now bigger than Japan and China's. Verizon's data revenues are nearly $4 billion, and the top four U.S. carriers figure among the top 10 global operators by way of mobile data service revenues.


Источник: FierceBroadbandWireless

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