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Super-capacitor aided wireless charging the key to powering mobiles

10 августа 2009

A combination of super-capacitors and wireless charging could dramatically change the way mobile phones are powered up and used -- but the improvements could still be a long way off.

According to market research group Strategy Analytics (London, England) the combination may offer the greatest potential of several under consideration to improve the experience of charging phones.

Together, and at the right price, this wireless speed-charging solution could penetrate over 22 percent of handset sales by 2014, the researchers at Strategy Analytics suggest.

Today's wireless charging solutions, like the Touchstone charger for the Palm Pre, use induction technology to transfer power over short distances, at about the same speed as a wired charger. Strategy Analytics says that this gives only minor benefits on its own.

In a recent research note, the market trackers point out that Palm Pre's wireless charging solution came at a high price, "and offered little benefit to users on its own, without the added boost of a super capacitor."

The combination may create an excellent solution to the growing energy gap problem which many cellphone users are experiencing on a daily or weekly basis, the market trackers say.

"Super-capacitors have been around for many years and are now just beginning to be designed into mobile phones, mainly for camera flash applications where their ability to deliver a high level of power for a short period is ideal," said Stephen Entwistle, VP of the Strategic Technologies Practice.

He adds "the technology will continue to mature and will nicely complement wireless chargers."

Strategy Analytics predicts that the price of wireless charging systems will fall to about $15, "and, if combined with super capacitors for speed-charging, could significantly increase the value proposition of wireless charging."

Источник: EeTimes

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