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Who can access 3G/4G services in 2013?

21 июля 2009

As mobile service providers around the world continue their drive to roll out 3G networks, the latest research from TeleGeography predicts that by the end of 2013 the addressable market for next generation cellular services (3G/4G) will have grown to over 4.5 billion potential subscribers. That will represent 71% of all wireless subscribers.

While virtually all wireless subscribers in Western Europe will have the potential to access 3G/4G services, at the other end of the spectrum the addressable market in Asia & Pacific region will have only reached 60% of wireless subscribers by the end of 2013, held back by the cost and difficulty of extending coverage to vast and widely dispersed rural populations.

Of course, sizing the addressable market is only half of the story. According to TeleGeography's Executive Director John Dinsdale, ‘The actual take-up rates for 3G/4G services in 2013 will range from 25% of potential subscribers in Africa to 62% in Western Europe, with the differences being driven primarily by timing of service launch, degree of local competition, attractiveness of services and applications, service pricing and local income levels’. TeleGeography forecasts that 28% of all wireless subscribers will be connected to 3G/4G networks by the end of 2013.

TeleGeography's GlobalComms Insight provides detailed subscriber and market forecasts for over 160 countries and includes country-level forecasts for 3G/4G subscribers. It is a companion to the GlobalComms Database, a regularly updated online database of wireline, wireless and broadband competition. No other telecoms market research service rivals their collective geographic scope and depth of coverage.

Источник: TeleGeography

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