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Doubt over third term for EU telecoms commissioner Reding

07 июля 2009

European Union telecoms commissioner Viviane Reding could be thwarted in her ambition to gain a third term, after a member of Jose Manuel Barroso's inner circle raised doubts about her bid to retain her role past November.

The Financial Times reports, a senior aide to Barroso, European Commission president, who advises him on telecoms issues, told a gathering of industry executives and lobbyists: "I would be surprised if Viviane Reding keeps the telecoms portfolio, and she knows this," according to several participants.

A participant in the closed-door meeting described the comments as a "complete surprise."

"We'd been working on the assumption that not only she would get five more years, but that she was looking to take on new fields, like copyright and privacy law," the person said.

The meeting included senior executives from BT Group PLC, Hutchison Whampoa and trade associations, the FT says.

Источник: Total Telecom

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