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NSN and Juniper Networks to Integrate IP and Optical Technologies

25 июня 2009

Industry Leaders Work Together to Create Unique End-to-End Solution to Enable Seamless Interworking between IP and Optical Networks to Improve Network Efficiency and Reduce Operator Opex.

Nokia Siemens Networks and Juniper Networks, the leader in high-performance networking, are combining their respective strengths in Optical and IP networking to create a solution that brings the two complementary technologies closer together. The integrated IP-Optical solution will provide operators with a highly flexible, reliable and cost efficient way to scale their networks to manage growing volumes of data, voice and multimedia applications. The scope of cooperation includes the development of cost-optimized 10G, 40G and 100G IP over DWDM solutions with management integration and GMPLS control plane interworking.


“Juniper brings world-class IP routing expertise while Nokia Siemens Networks brings forth world-class Wavelength Division Multiplexing transport technology including operational management systems for both technologies. To have both worlds under one network management roof means the highest possible quality in terms of simplicity and efficiency,” said Uwe Fischer, Head of DWDM Business Line at Nokia Siemens Networks. “As carriers consolidate their IP and DWDM environments to ensure cost efficient growth, our solution will form the bedrock of the vision that breaks the barriers between optical and electrical layers.”


”As trends such as video, virtualization and cloud computing continue to drive the need for core networking capacity, operators will be looking for ways to scale their networks efficiently and cost-effectively,” said Opher Kahane, senior vice president and general manager, High-End Systems Business Unit, Juniper Networks. “The combination of IP and optical transport technologies increase the efficiency of the network, and we are very excited to be working with Nokia Siemens Networks to bring this innovative solution to market.”


The implementation of long-haul DWDM optics on router line interface cards will increase network efficiency by reducing the need for redundant transponders, but can present network management challenges because IP and optical networks are traditionally managed separately. To address these concerns, Nokia Siemens Networks and Juniper are creating an innovative solution which manages the entire router–to-optical link as a single entity. Using Juniper’s T Series Core Routers, the router-integrated optical DWDM interfaces will interoperate seamlessly with Nokia Siemens Networks’ hiT7300 WDM platform and be managed by the company’s carrier grade Transport Network Management System (TNMS).


Complemented by Nokia Siemens Networks’ unique network planning software, TransNet, the joint solution will improve overall efficiency in the network. In addition, the operator will be able to enjoy faster service provisioning times as only one DWDM interface will need to be installed and configured, not to mention improved reliability through early link failure detection, enhanced troubleshooting and overall simplicity.


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