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Fast mobile broadband services in focus at Elisa's 3G network expansion

09 июня 2009

Leading telecommunication service provider Elisa and Nokia Siemens Networks sign frame agreement on a 3G network expansion.

Elisa, a leading Finnish communication service provider is undertaking a 3G network extension to enable faster mobile broadband services to its customers. The new network will be HSPA+ capable and ready for future LTE services. Nokia Siemens Networks was selected as the supplier for the network expansion for its capability to provide a rapid and cost effective roll out of the latest mobile broadband technology.


“Elisa is a frontrunner in digital mobile communications in Finland. The new extension to our network will help us further improve quality and support faster mobile broadband services to our customers. The solution by Nokia Siemens Networks allows us to always offer the best in class user experience and the most advanced services on the market to our customers”, said Timo Katajisto, Executive Vice President, Elisa.


“We are extremely happy to be chosen by Elisa to support them in further strengthening their mobile broadband business. Elisa and Nokia Siemens Networks have worked in close collaboration already for decades. This agreement not only extends our role as a key network supplier to Elisa, but additionally the companies will also have closer ties in R&D efforts to always offer the latest technology to Elisa’s customers”, said Mika Vehviläinen, Chief Operating Officer, Nokia Siemens Networks.


Nokia Siemens Networks will provide to Elisa its award winning, energy efficient Flexi Base Stations, high capacity RNC 2600 radio network controllers, related transport solutions as well as maintenance services for the network. The network will be configured, optimized and monitored by the NetAct network management system that will help Elisa to ensure quality services to its customers.


The 3G expansion solution of Nokia Siemens Networks enables Elisa to deploy HSPA+ mobile broadband and make efficient use of the 900MHz spectrum simultaneously for GSM and 3G. These enable the offering on new mobile broadband services to the market. Being based on the Nokia Siemens Networks Flexi Multiradio Base Station, the network power consumption will be significantly reduced increasing cost efficiency and saving energy.


Deliveries have already started and the first base stations have been taken into use.


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