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Open Mobile Summit session will explore mobile OS developers’ pursuit of the PC

09 июня 2009

A session at the Open Mobile Summit, to be held in London on the 10–11 June 2009, will examine the impact of the evolution of mobile broadband connectivity on PCs and other devices.

One of the critical developments, as outlined in a recent Analysys Mason publication, concerns the market for notebook operating systems (OSs). Historically, Microsoft has dominated the PC OS market, with some competition from Apple and Linux. However, with the increasing prevalence of mobile broadband connectivity in laptops and the rise of the Web-oriented subnotebook segment, players that previously focused on the mobile phone OS have a greater impetus to move into the notebook space. The ultimate aim of the OS developers must be to provide a platform that spans multiple connected devices, including the mobile phone and the PC, in order to establish themselves as the customer’s digital experience provider. This goal may be many years away, but the likely winners are already jostling for position in what promises to be quite a race.

From the mobile space, the main candidates to be the leading cross-platform OS are Nokia’s Symbian platform, which dominates the market for high-end handsets, the BlackBerry OS from Research In Motion (RIM), which is well established with the business community and has built a reputation for end-to-end service delivery, and Android, Google’s foray into the mobile world. From the PC market, Windows is a clear leader in multiple-platform strategies, courtesy of Windows Mobile and the Xbox. However, Apple is an increasingly strong challenger thanks to its game-changing entry into the mobile phone world with the iPhone.

We are already starting to see the first indications of the mobile OS providers moving into the PC space: in February 2009, Nokia threw out strong hints that it would be developing a Symbian-based netbook, and in April the first Android-based laptop saw the light of day. At the same time, Microsoft is making a more-concerted push into the mobile phone space and it has a head-start in operating as a multi-platform player. It will be very difficult to challenge Microsoft’s dominance, but Apple and Nokia will be willing to try.

The Open Mobile Summit will feature many of the key stakeholders in the connected-notebooks market, including: Alan Brenner, RIM’s SVP Software; Lee Williams, Executive Director of the Symbian Foundation; Morgan Gillis, Executive Director of the LiMo Foundation; Christy Wyatt, VP Software Applications and Ecosystem at Motorola, Inc.; Jon Hall, Chief Advocate of Openmoko; and Aymar De Lencquesaing, SVP of ACER.


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