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Nokia Siemens Networks wins OSS vendor of the year award

05 июня 2009

Nokia Siemens Networks has won the Frost & Sullivan Telecom OSS Vendor of the Year award in recognition of its strong growth and performance across Asia Pacific during 2008. 

Kamlesh Kalwar, Senior Industry Analyst, Asia Pacific ICT Practice, Frost & Sullivan, said, “Nokia Siemens Networks’ success in Asia Pacific is evident from the deployment of its OSS solutions with a large number of service providers across the region. The company’s customer-centric approach, in-depth knowledge, supporting software, solution designing and system integration has enabled it to deliver high quality services and enhance customer experience. In addition, its strong multivendor OSS offering and OSS integration and consulting services have helped service providers not only achieve customer-centric OSS transformation but also reduce integration costs.”


The Frost & Sullivan Asia Pacific ICT Awards is an annual event held to recognize the performance of companies and individuals in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry in Asia Pacific. This year, awards were presented in 30 categories, with nominees being evaluated on financial and technology criteria – including revenue and revenue growth, portfolio diversity, major wins, key achievements, infrastructure design, service assurance, and service fulfillment. The winners were selected by a panel of judges hailing from Asia Pacific’s Information and Communications Technology market.


Abhay Padmanabhan, Head of Operations and Business Software, Asia-Pacific, Nokia Siemens Networks said, “This award is significant to us as we have been investing heavily in the areas of OSS, Service Management, and Charging and Integration to help communication service providers achieve higher operational efficiency.“


Christian Fredrikson, Head, Asia Pacific, Nokia Siemens Networks added, “The award validates our efforts towards driving greater customer satisfaction. We remain committed to providing innovative solutions that continue to raise the bar on enriching the customer experience.”

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