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Summit Connects Iraq via VSAT

20 мая 2009

Positive moves are taking place in Iraq. Examples of this include the rebuilding of Iraq’s infrastructure and improving access to education, health, and other vital public services, which took place with the launch of the nation’s first in-country communications event.

The 'Connect Iraq: Communications and Technology Conference' was held on 10-12 May 2009 at the Baghdad International Airport Hotel and Conference Centre, where the role of satellite, wireless and fiber solutions was addressed and training was provided to local service providers.

The Connect Iraq conference, organized jointly by Talia, a U.K.-based communications service provider with extensive operations in Iraq, and the Global VSAT Forum (GVF), the association of the international satellite communications sector, brought together international technology vendors with local industry and governmental leaders. The three-day event featured presentations and discussions on the latest commercial and regulatory developments affecting Iraq's communications sector.

'The Iraqi government and industry demonstrated that they are committed to rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure and economy,' said Alan Afrasiab, Talia CEO. 'Throughout the conference, the combination of high-level networking and training of the local industry was an important first step in that process.'

'GVF was honored to support Connect Iraq, as well as to deliver VSAT Installation Certification Training for the local industry,' said Onno Beemsterboer, GVF’s Master Instructor for the Global Certification Program. 'A new foundation has been established in Iraq, and now the satellite industry plans to help build on that foundation.'

The Iraqi National Investment Commission, the Iraqi Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Iraqi Ministry of Communications all endorsed the event, and used it as a platform to highlight communications projects in the country.

iDirect Technologies, a leading provider in satellite-based IP communications technology, sponsored the event.

'VSAT education and ongoing training programs are critical to the success of service providers in Iraq,' said David Harrower, regional vice president, Europe, iDirect. 'It enables them to take advantage of the latest technology trends as they build out a world-class communications infrastructure’.

In addition to the conference schedule, Connect Iraq featured the first in-Iraq GVF-certified hands-on training sessions.

Источник: http://www.satnews.com

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