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Xena Networks Helps Ethernet Test Engineers Save at Least 50%

24 апреля 2009

Xena Networks ApS, opens its business operations today with locations and distributors in Europe, North America and Australia.

Copenhagen-based Xena Networks is designer and manufacturer of a new type of Ethernet test platform selling for less than half the price of commercially available alternatives. The company’s products enable network and equipment test engineers to deploy Ethernet test infrastructure that is inexpensive, simple to manage and easy to scale in terms of test port count and functional test capabilities.


Research firm Frost & Sullivan expects the market for GbE/10GbE test equipment to reach $1.9 billion by 2014 as millions of 10GbE ports are deployed around the world in service provider and carrier networks, corporate data centers and research & education networks. "With Ethernet prices decreasing over time, it is essential for end users to have access to test equipment that is also decreasing in cost", says an analyst at the market research firm.


"Test equipment on the market today is too expensive to satisfy demand resulting from rapid adoption of GbE/10GbE technologies", said Jacob V. Nielsen, CEO of Xena Networks. "We recognized the need for a new category of test equipment inexpensive enough to be deployed as Ethernet test infrastructure. So we focused on an Ethernet test platform having most of the features test engineers require but for less than half the price", continued Nielsen.


Xena’s first product, the XenaCompact™, achieves its low price through a unique hardware design providing wire speed L2/L3 traffic generation and analysis capabilities in a compact one rack-unit form factor. Each XenaCompact™ supplies up to six GbE ports or two 10GbE ports supporting both copper and optical interfaces. The result is a very flexible platform for performance, load stress, pre-staging and functional testing of GbE/10GbE equipment and network infrastructure.


With a number of successful customer betas and trials underway in the U.S. and Europe, Xena Networks will next month announce general availability of its XenaCompact™ platform featuring the XenaManager™ test management application.

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