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New mobile social networking platform unveiled

24 апреля 2009

Looking to differentiate itself from such giants as Facebook and MySpace has prompted the Italian mobile content developer, Buongiorno, to limit its new mobile social networking platform to support just 20 people. The company maintains users of social networks don't want hundreds of people involved, but would rather limit it to the 20 people most important to them.

The new platform, labelled Peoplesound, has been running as a beta service under the Blinko brand with more than 30,000 users. Following this trial, Buongiorno said it has used the feedback to develop the final version so users can access Peoplesound through pplsnd.com. The service is free, but the company has not detailed how it plans to generate revenue through the service, but does mention "exciting monetisation opportunities" created by the 10 channels it plans to include within Peoplesound. These channels are currently under development but plan to provide updates on music, sport, movies, news events, etc-- with the content designed to be shared amongst the 20 people on the network.

Источник: FierceWireless

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