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Cisco dispels closed-system myths about its virtual servers

17 апреля 2009

Cisco Systems Inc. assuaged concerns over how willing its Unified Computing System is to play with others as it laid out more details about its virtual servers on Thursday.

The San Jose networking bellwether made a splash last month with the platform, which puts it squarely in the data-center market and in competition with longtime partners International Business Machines Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. But along with the announcement came concerns over how well its system would work with existing information-technology infrastructure.

Competitors and critics complained that Cisco would run a closed system that would require businesses to buy all new equipment, and commit only to the networking company. Cisco, which unveiled some pricing information, was aggressive in dispelling those concerns.

"We're putting to bed the myths out there around the Unified Computing System," said Soni Jiadani, vice president of the server access and virtualization group for Cisco.

On concerns that Cisco's products are proprietary, Jiadani said."That's absolutely not the case.[The Unified Computing System] was purposely built as an integrated system with each layer conforming to industry standards."

The Unified Computing System can work with a company's existing IT infrastructure, she said.

Cisco again hammered the point about businesses saving money through a small data center and less power consumption.

The starting price of the system and "blade" server is $30,852.

The customer's desire to have multiple vendors will ensure that the likes of IBM and H-P will continue to work with Cisco.

"I don't anticipate anything in terms of a major shift," Jiadani said."These companies ultimately will respond to market needs, and what the customer wants."

Cisco closed up 3% to $18.08.


Источник: Total Telecom

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