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Verizon CEO: Industry could see 500% penetration

03 апреля 2009

The wireless industry could eventually see penetration rates as high as 500%, according to Verizon Communications Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Ivan Seidenberg.

"It is not only possible, but probable," Seidenberg said during a keynote address at the CTIA Wireless industry trade show Wednesday.

Seidenberg was referring to customers using multiple devices. It's already happening, with corporate workers owning both a smartphone for work and a personal feature phone. AT&T Inc. is pushing a $49 netbook with a cellular and home broadband connection.

Down the line, Seidenberg envisions cellular technology to connect other machines or devices. Over the past year, the carriers have been pushing the idea of an ecosystem of connected devices beyond cellphones.

"We can expect orders of magnitude of increases in traffic in just the next few years," he said."Mobile doesn't just describe a technology any more, it describes a way of life."

Seidenberg railed against regulation that chokes off innovation and higher taxes he said are a burden on consumers.

Taxes on wireless services between 2003 and 2007 rose four times faster than other goods and services, he said.

While he believes there is a need for regulation, he stressed the rules shouldn't hurt long-term growth in favor of near-term concerns.

Seidenberg also reached out to his peers in calling out for more transparency in serving customers, and also more vigilance in protecting the privacy of its subscribers.

Источник: Total Telecom

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