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Columbus Networks shifts to 40Gigabit per second technology

02 апреля 2009

Responding to regional growth in data traffic volumes and the knock-on increase in capacity requirements of its carrier customers, Columbus Networks is upgrading its network with a 40Gbps solution from Nokia Siemens Networks.

The upgrade will add capacity to Columbus Networks’ Florida Transport Network, which serves as a main US backbone connecting international undersea cables ARCOS-1 and CFX. Columbus Networks already provides over 200Gbps of capacity and IP services and seeks to use the latest technology to meet its customer needs for the foreseeable future.


Nokia Siemens Networks will provide a turnkey solution whose cornerstone is the latest version of the hiT 7300 DWDM (dense wavelength division multiplexing) platform, which allows for regional to long-haul transport applications and supports ROADM (reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer) technology. This will provide Columbus Networks with a highly scalable transport backbone that can securely and cost-efficiently manage the high data traffic volumes required by its carrier customers. Additionally, the ROADM support for multi-degree Photonic-Cross-Connects (PXC) supporting 80 channels enables Columbus Networks to best route this data traffic on the optical layer remotely so they can quickly and flexibly manage varying data traffic demands.


“The demand for high bandwidth capacity on our network has been tremendous, so it’s important that our backbone network expansion accommodate not only the data traffic over long distances, but also does so with increasing levels of security, high capacity and cost efficiency,” said Peter Collins, Chief Technology Officer, Columbus Networks. “We are pleased with the fact that Nokia Siemens Networks’ 40Gbps solution with the hiT 7300 positions us as a technology leader in terms of the functionality of our network to help us better serve our customers’ needs.”


To ensure the best service experience, Columbus Networks’ network design is fully ring-secured and has best in class reliability. Additionally, to accommodate the continued growth in data traffic and the carrier’s overall footprint, the hiT 7300 provides a network capacity that can be extended to 80x40G as needed in the future with improved operating performance metrics.


Nokia Siemens Networks recently announced the latest version of its hiT 7300, version 4.25, which marked a new level of innovation from Nokia Siemens Networks in optical transport technology, and Columbus Networks is the first in the world to deploy this version. Other components of the solution are Nokia Siemens Networks’ Telecommunications Network Management System and services including network design, commissioning, installation, training and extended care.


“Columbus Networks is experiencing a level of data traffic growth that many carriers are dealing with, and the choices they’ve made for their network gives them scale and the ability to expand as they grow and enlarge their service footprint,” said Hans-Juergen Schmidtke, Head of Fixed Network Business Development, Nokia Siemens Networks, North America. “Nokia Siemens Networks continues to improve our optical transport portfolio with this latest development for 40Gbps, and we’re confident that carriers like Columbus Networks will benefit from our commitment to continued innovation.”

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