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Nokia Siemens Networks opens new Global Network Solutions Center

01 апреля 2009

Nokia Siemens Networks inaugurated a new Global Network Solutions Center (GNSC). The latest GNSC, located in Noida, Delhi NCR, is part of the company’s strategic response to the growing trend for operators to outsource network management and maintenance as a way to increase efficiency.

At the inauguration, Simon Beresford Wylie, CEO of Nokia Siemens Networks said, “Nokia Siemens Networks is no longer just a telecom equipment vendor, but a true business operations partner for communications service providers. Our services business lies at the heart of the transformation underway at our company, and India lies at the heart of our services success.”


“Both Nokia Siemens Networks’ transformation and our commitment to India as a significant part of a global telecoms ecosystem are encapsulated by this new Global Network Solutions Center,” Beresford-Wylie said.


The new GNSC, co-located in a new dedicated services facility, reinforces India as the company’s global services hub. Present at the inauguration were Mr. Siddhartha Behura, Secretary Telecom, Government of India; Ms. Daniele Smadja, Her Excellency The Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Commission; Mr. Asko Numminen, His Excellency The Ambassador of Finland; and Rajeev Suri, Head of Services, Nokia Siemens Networks.


“We are pioneering what we truly feel is a unique, centralized, global delivery model through our integrated, multi-technology, multi vendor central delivery hubs – what we call the GNSCs – which provide global scale and drive the world’s most efficient networks,” said Rajeev Suri, Head of Services, Nokia Siemens Networks. “This new, innovative approach is being recognized as an alternative strategy to the existing fragmented model which comprises multiple services or technology-specific delivery centers across regions.”


In addition to being in the heart of one of the world’s fastest growing mobile markets, the new Noida GNSC will complement the two company’s two existing GNSCs in Lisbon, Portugal and Chennai, India. This network of GNSCs is designed to help customers get to market faster through ‘round-the-clock’ project management, ensure high network and service performance through transparent Service Level Agreements and improve service delivery efficiency while reducing risk. By centralizing and consolidating resources at the three GNSCs, Nokia Siemens Networks will be able to deliver economies of scale to its customers and drive network efficiency through remote delivery, leveraging standardized and automated IT tools and processes.


The creation of a central hub at the Noida facility is part of Nokia Siemens Networks’ overall transformation strategy to constantly develop its global network of various competency and delivery centers and to strengthen its presence closer to its customers in emerging and developing markets.


India as an emerging market plays a key role in globalization of Nokia Siemens Networks’ transformation strategy. In 2007, Nokia Siemens Networks committed to a USD 100 mn 3-year strategic investment in India and last year Nokia Siemens Networks opened manufacturing plant in Chennai.

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