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Advancements in WiMAX product technology continue

18 марта 2009

Over the past six months the WiMAX industry has had its share of less than encouraging press coverage. For the most part, this coverage has questioned the viability of WiMAX as a 4G technology supporting the mobile Internet. What underlies this uncertainty is the promise of a better technology solution for the mobile Internet and LTE.

In spite of the often gloomy news, the WiMAX ecosystem continues to be hard at work developing new solutions and refining existing technologies to satisfy the current and future needs for service providers and users around the globe.  Earlier this year the WiMAX Forum announced the launch of its Global Roaming Program, addressing a growing need to move WiMAX beyond the perceived point solution for nomadic Internet access.

Developments in mobile WiMAX technology continue at the silicon level, demonstrating a real and present demand for small, capable and power-conscious user devices.  Sequans Communications, a long time leader in the WiMAX semiconductors recently announced the availability of its SQN1210 chip. The chip incorporates baseband and 2.3, 2.5 and 3.5GHz capabilities along with MIMO and impressive power management.  Network equipment manufacturer ZyXEL has announced that it will incorporate Sequans new chip in a miniature USB device for mobile WiMAX laptop users.

WiMAX operators throughout the world continue to encounter challenges in accessing appropriate allocations of spectrum. What seemed to be promising for the industry in India has more recently appeared as being yet another example of these challenges. Delays associated with the spectrum auction there have been cited as having the potential to cause a loss of $3B per year to the wireless industry there.

In spite of the challenges presented by spectrum access, the WiMAX ecosystem has been innovative in the delivery of solutions. Recently WiMAX Forum members ZTE and Samsung both received WiMAX Forum Certified status for their 3.5 GHz products. These were the first products to receive certification for this spectrum. By delivering products for deployment in 3.5 GHz allocations the ecosystem is enabling operators to take advantage of this more readily accessible spectrum now.

Advancements in antenna technologies for WiMAX networks are essential not only to effective use of spectrum and to robust connectivity but also to cost effective network design and deployment. Fujitsu and Cisco demonstrated the benefits of employing adaptive beamforming along with MIMO technologies in a mobile WiMAX environment at Mobile World Congress last month. This area of technology continues to provide frequent and exciting innovations and will be critical to success of mobile WiMAX in dense urban environments.

Looking beyond some of the less than positive WiMAX headlines should continue to yield some interesting and promising news for the industry. The 4G Trends editorial team continues to pursue what is important and innovative in the 4G wireless world and that includes live coverage from the upcoming CTIA Wireless 2009 event.


By Contributing Editor Andrew Mitchell


Источник: 4G Trends

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