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Telefonica to cut mobile tariffs for jobless

18 марта 2009

Telefonica SA said Tuesday it will cut rates by 50% for mobile and fixed-line customers in Spain who lose their jobs, with a limit of EUR20 a month.

"The change in the economic cycle is affecting our customers... and they are asking for (call plans) that allow them to predict what they spend and control it as well," head of Spanish operations Guillermo Ansaldo said in a meeting with journalists.

Madrid-based Telefonica also said it would offer the same discount for recently created small businesses and would also lay out a plan to eliminate the monthly fee fixed-line customers pay. The plans are for 2009, Ansaldo added.

Ansaldo said the volume of the telecommunications market in Spain had fallen recently as customers scale back spending as a recession takes hold in Spain.

Data published last month by European Union statistics agency Eurostat showed Spain had an unemployment rate of 14.8% in January, nearly twice the 8.2% level for the wider euro zone.

Источник: Total Telecom

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