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HTC to launch more than 3 Android phones in 2009

17 марта 2009

Taiwanese smartphone producer HTC Corp. plans to launch more than three versions of the Google phone in 2009, including the introduction of a second generation of the smartphone in the second quarter, HTC Chief Executive Peter Chou said Tuesday.

Last year, sales of the first version of the Google phone, or G1, exceeded the targeted 1 million units, Chou said on the sidelines of an investment forum in Taipei.

The Google phone uses the android operating system, an open-standard platform for mobile phones.

HTC, which is the world's largest maker of phones using Microsoft Corp.'s operating system in terms of shipments, plans to launch no more than 20 models of smartphones in 2009, including the android phones, Chou said.

Smartphones are higher-end devices that support Internet browsing and email.

In the fourth quarter, worldwide smartphone sales grew 3.7% from a year earlier to 38.1 million units, research firm Gartner said earlier this month. HTC's market share rose to 4.3% in the three months ended Dec. 31 from 3.7% a year earlier, the report said.

HTC will focus on the Chinese market this year, Chou said, adding that the company maintains its 2009 revenue growth forecast of 10%-20%.

"This is an important year for our entry into China, especially with China's release of (third-generation mobile phone) licenses," Chou said.

"We hope to have a breakthrough in China this year after entering the Europe and U.S. markets."

China accounts for around 5% of its total revenue, Chou said, but declined to give a forecast for growth in China. Chou said HTC hopes to double its handset sales in China in 2009, but didn't provide 2008 sales figures.

In 2008, revenue rose 29% to NT$152.56 billion (US$4.45 billion) from NT$118.58 billion a year earlier.

The company is also looking to acquire more phone design and technology companies, Chou said, without elaborating.

In December, it acquired San Francisco-based One & Company Design Inc., which specializes in designing consumer products.

Источник: Total Telecom

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