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New Microsoft software takes aims at RIM customers

23 октября 2007

Microsoft, which has declined to comment on persistent rumors that it is interested in acquiring RIM to tap into the company's corporate customers, said reaching out to large organizations is a critical part of its goal to sell over 20 million Windows Mobile licenses in fiscal year 2008, which ends next June.

New Microsoft software takes aims at RIM customers"This is a key part of accelerating our business," said Scott Horn, general manager of marketing at Microsoft's Windows Mobile business. "You're going to see (Mobile Device Manager) really ramp up in fiscal 2009 starting July 1."


RIM has been working for years to extend the capabilities of its BlackBerry devices beyond its trademark wireless e-mail service, offering applications that allow workers to access company data and collaborate.

The advantage that RIM holds over Microsoft, according to Enderle, is that RIM makes both the software and hardware. It also offers the services to help companies deploy the devices, providing a cohesive single offering.

Microsoft said it formed a partnership with a service company called Enterprise Mobile to build and deploy Windows Mobile phones customized for different organizations, working with a number of wireless carriers and handset manufacturers.

New phones supporting the Mobile Device Manager software will be available in the second quarter of 2008 from Samsung Electronics, Palm Inc., Motorola Inc. and other device manufacturers.

The server software will be released in the first half of next year, according to Microsoft.

Microsoft said the average Windows Mobile smartphone now has the processing power, storage and graphics capabilities of computers from 7 or 8 years ago. They also run on more powerful networks to open up the device to new applications.

Источник: Reuters

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