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Broadcast Through The Crisis

12 марта 2009

As Euroconsult and many others in the industry have regularly underlined, TV broadcasting is the leading revenue driver for FSS satellite operators, with over two thirds of operators involved in distribution of TV channels.

In recent years, demand for satellite capacity for TV broadcasting has grown by up to 10 percent per year, with broadcasters signing long-term contracts sometimes for the lifetime of the satellite. As such, they provide satellite operators’ important visibility and stability over time. Large decreases in capacity usage generally only occur when there is a failure or a merger of satellite pay-TV platforms, both of which have proved to be very limited. Even mergers usually result in stronger market players which tend to result in new channel additions and capacity requirements over time.


Crisis = Mixed Impact On Satellite Pay-TV Platforms

As a business to consumer (BtoC) industry, satellite pay-TV platforms have heavy exposure to the current economic crisis. Overall expectations are for a slowdown in subscriptions to pay-TV services, while nearly every country will be impacted by this recession of historical proportions.

Still, a major decrease in the number of subscribers remains unlikely in most markets. This is due to a number of different factors, including yearly subscription commitments and the addition of a number of services such as digital video recording, which have succeeded in reducing churn levels in recent years. Simultaneously, satellite pay-TV platforms derive most of their revenue from subscriptions rather than advertising. This may lighten the impact of the crisis on them, as compared to free-to-air (FTA) TV channels.

However, the crisis may still result in the failure of platforms that have recently launched as they may not be able to reach critical size. GTV in
Africa recently declared bankruptcy, and other cases may follow in the coming months. In markets where satellite pay-TV only recently took off, and where several platforms are in head-to-head competition to sign subscribers, consolidation similar to what followed the telecom and media crisis of the early 2000s could be expected.



by Pacome Revillon Managing Director, Euroconsult

Источник: SatMagazine

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