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iPhone accounts for two thirds of all mobile web traffic

03 марта 2009

Apple's iPhone now represents 66.61 percent of all mobile web traffic according to a new study issued by web solutions provider NetApplications.

The Java ME platform follows a distant second at 9.06 percent, trailed by Windows Mobile at 6.91 percent. NetApplications notes that despite the iPhone's commanding lead in mobile browsing share, both Android (6.15 percent, tied with Symbian) and BlackBerry (2.24 percent) are rapidly gaining market share--however, the report notes increases by Apple's rivals does not mean that iPhone web browsing is shrinking, as the overall market continues to grow rapidly. In all, mobile web browsing as a percentage of all web browsing is on the upswing and currently stands at 0.72 percent, up from 0.69 percent in January 2009.

NetApplications adds that Google's search dominance on smartphones is now even greater than its lead on the desktop--the web services giant accounted for 97.5 percent of global smartphone searches in February 2009. Yahoo followed with just 2.03 percent, and MSN represented only 0.07 percent. NetApplications notes that Microsoft's recent five-year search agreement with Verizon Wireless should significantly elevate its mobile profile in the years ahead.

Источник: FierceMobileContent

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